Coming up with the right story: something relatable, intimate and exciting.
Writing, directing, lighting, shooting, editing, publishing and broadcasting the best possible video on the web.
This is the job of the video maker – a creative specialising in effective audiovisual content for the digital domain.

Being able to listen to the client and distinguish between desire and need.

Understanding the product: what it is, what it means for people who use it, what works and what doesn’t. Drawing inspiration from more than one hundred years of film, TV and advertising art and poetry to turn all this into something completely new. From motion graphics to viral video, from heart-rending stories to mockumentaries, from storytelling to screen drama and web series.

AANT can teach you how to tell stories in moving images by learning all about screenplays, storyboards, directing actors, use of the camera, principles of photography, editing, sound and all the tricks of the trade to make your work shine. A highly practical course that will help you show yourself at your best to communication agencies, giving you a rich and credible portfolio and a good knowledge of the rules, rituals and secrets of the screen crafts.

If this is the professional expertise you want, enrol on the Videomaking  course.



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