

AANT is authorised to issue 1st Level Academic Qualifications in accordance with the Higher Education in Arts and Music (AFAM) programme, and is part of the Italian university system overseen by the Ministry of Universities and Research (MUR).

The academic qualifications issued by AANT three-year 1st Level courses have legal value and are equivalent to a Bachelor’s degree. They count as credits for further study in Italian and overseas academies and universities. AANT is also accredited by the Lazio Region for Higher Education and has signed an agreement with the Region supporting policies for the Right to University Education. The Academy has held UNI EN ISO 9001 certification since 2004.

The AANT internal assessment system for educational and research activities, administrative practice and actions supporting the Right to Education comply with UNI EN ISO 9001 quality standards.

These assessment functions are carried out by a collegiate Assessment Group.


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