Extra AANT

Extra AANT

Extra AANT

Lots of ideas to create ideas

AANT’s mission is to offer its young attendants ongoing creative stimuli, within and beyond courses and lessons. We were one of the first design institutes in Rome to introduce a new teaching model based mainly on direct experience.

We did it with ground-breaking initiatives such as “La 25° ora” (25th Hour) creative marathon, the “Cinema al buio” (Film in the Dark) and “Le favole della buonanotte” (Goodnight Fairytales) film festivals, and numerous specialist, limited-numbers workshops, closed or open to the public, including “Ti racconto come ho fatto” (I’ll Tell You How I Did It).

And then, each year there is our most important event: la settimana Stop & Go (Stop and Go Week), when we call a halt to regular teaching activities and make way for student workshops and extraordinary seminars held by key figures from the professional scene.


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