Extra-curricular activities

Extra-curricular activities

Wide range of experiences outside the classroom

People who study at AANT will find endless stimuli for learning and improving through extraordinary educational opportunities and formats involving direct experience or contact with leading figures in communication and design.

This is made possible thanks to ground-breaking initiatives such as:

La 25° ora

This is a creative marathon in which students and teachers are divided into teams that take on a design brief challenge presented by an actual customer – with 24 hours to deliver a finished design ready for production. Videos of such events can be found on the AANT YouTube channel and Facebook page.

Film al buio

A film festival allowing students to analyse the syntax of film language and to “read” what’s in the frame; a hands-on design narrative laboratory.

Le favole della buonanotte

The goal of this event is to seek out and uncover the secrets of story telling, revealing the architecture of narration and the key aspects of “weaving a tale”.

Ti racconto come ho fatto

Themed, limited-number workshops, closed or open to the public, held by key figures from the design, communication or advertising world; up-close encounters with guests who reveal the secrets behind successful initiatives, media phenomena and viral campaigns.

La settimana Stop & Go

An event that was specially designed to offer students crucial and unmissable insights: a week when we suspend regular teaching activities and make way for extraordinary workshops and seminars held by leading figures from the national and international professional scene.

The Legambiente “Green Train”

A regular event for Design course students, who design and create carriages for a travelling train convoy which, supported by Trenitalia, stops at the main railway stations in Italy and is visited by thousands of people each year.


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