
Study at AANT


Services and opportunities

The AANT Teaching Office helps students manage their lives in and out of the Academy with services that include:

  • help with bureaucratic procedures and services in the city. help for international students in managing Italian residence formalities
  • social events such as student parties at external venues, film screenings with discussion sessions, sports tournaments, etc. All events that help to create a friendly and welcoming environment and allow students to feel like they are an active part of the great AANT family,

such as deals and special discounts at theatres, bookshops, specialist doctors’ surgeries, gyms, fine art shops.

Student Council

(from the statute of Autonomy of the Academy, art. 13)

THE COUNCIL represents the autonomous organisation of students of the Academy and is responsible for the dissemination of information relevant to students.

The Student Council:

  • is made up of three students when the student population is less than 500.
  • It elects its own president who is the official representative with respect to the bodies of the Academy.
  • In addition to expressing the opinions provided for by the Bylaws and Regulations, the Council can submit requests and formulate proposals to the Academic Council and the Board of Governors, with particular reference to services for students, as well as rules for the implementation of the right to study, protecting the interests of student enrolled in the Academy.






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