Pop Museum

Pop Museum

Tempus Captum – captured Time.

A Project of Photographic Analysis and Exploration held in the Archaeological Park of the Colosseum.

Pop Museum

by Valerio De Luca

The Colosseum and the Imperial Fora have always been, throughout their long life, monuments and architectural structures for the people. The purpose for which they were built was to be places of social life, gathering, entertainment, and meant for the people. They have always represented highly attractive centers. Even today, millions of people travel to the capital every year to admire them, and they still constitute an enormous centripetal and aggregating force, amidst a diversity of cultures and languages. The Pop Museum project starts precisely from this concept, combining an extremely popular artistic movement, created for the masses and inspired by an object primarily for the people, such as comics, with a historical symbol of popularity and aggregation. By reinterpreting these two elements through the lens of Pop Art, the author has provided a perspective that can generate a different view of history, using as an expressive medium an artistic movement with a more modern key, which, however, is based on the same premises as the architectural structures it will subsequently influence.


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