Dualism. Echoes of a Present Past

Dualism. Echoes of a Present Past

Tempus Captum – captured Time.

A Project of Photographic Analysis and Exploration held in the Archaeological Park of the Colosseum.

Dualism. Echoes of a Present Past

by Alan Allegretti

How much does the past influence the present? How different are we from the past? But above all, how similar are we? Driven by these questions, the author embarks on the experience of this photographic project filled with food for thought. Walking through these places gives the impression that it’s not only memories and shadows that have tread upon this ground, but also people with their baggage of emotions and life. Over time, the structures cease to be mere functional elements in themselves; they become the symbol of an ancient time that imprints the thought “I exist here and now today” onto the stones. A present that engages in a dialogue with the past, almost recognizing the common traits. The project aims to precisely narrate this, by showing the dualistic relationship that exists between these two worlds: the similarities, the differences, and the points of intersection. It reminds the observer that the past is not just a collection of faded memories, but an immense library of experiences that still seem to repeat themselves in our everyday life. Forgetting the past would mean losing our perception of ourselves.


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