Does communicating in pictures come close to your idea of happiness?
The three-year Art Direction, Advertising, and Graphic Design course prepares future multimedia visual communication professionals with comprehensive training and teaching that alternates theoretical and practical subjects, laboratories and workshops.
- Qualification equivalent to a BACHELOR’S DEGREE
- Accredited by the MUR

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MMode:Full time tTitle:Art Direction, Advertising and Graphic Design dDuration:3 years IStart:October 2024 LLanguage:Italian CCredits:180 CFA
One Diploma, Many Professions
The curriculum and extracurricular activities enable the acquisition and development of specific skills and techniques for various professional profiles in this field.
If your idea of happiness can be summed up in one of these professions, you’re on the right page:
- Graphic Designer: transforms complex concepts into simple, recognisable, immediate and understandable forms;
- Art Director: participates in the creation of campaigns together with the copywriter, managing the visual component for the different media involved; directs photographers and animators, supports directors and video makers;
- Creative Director: directs the creative department in the design and implementation of cross-media and transmedia campaigns, chooses the direction to follow, discusses creative strategy with the client;
- Web Designer: deals with UX/UI design, designs sites and apps and contributes to the constant improvement of the digital habitat;
- Motion Designer: uses audio and video editing techniques, creates animations, theme songs, opening and closing credits, motion infographics, etc;
- Project Manager: organises and coordinates the entire team involved in a campaign, from designers to accounts, and knows how to dialogue with respect to the roles and figures involved.
The AANT Art Director and Designer will be a professional:
- skilled in all phases of work, from brainstorming to production;
- creative and with great mastery of the most used software in advertising agencies and beyond;
- proficient in creative thinking techniques to develop concepts together with the copywriter;
- capable of creating storytelling and scripts for the video;
- able to work in a group and collaborate with all the figures involved in the project, particularly the creative ones.
Training excellence is guaranteed by:
- the faculty, made up of professionals capable of transmitting knowledge and passion thanks to highly qualified and exceptionally specialised skills, together with consolidated teaching and research experience in Italy and abroad;
- the academic venues perfectly equipped with the latest technologies and available to students even beyond class hours;
- workshops and multidisciplinary experiences that allow creativity to be applied to concrete cases in collaboration with companies, institutions, and professional associations.