Our history

The Academy of Arts and New Technologies (AANT) was founded in Rome in 1992, in Piazza della Rovere 107, as a professional school inaugurated by Nobel prize winner Rita Levi Montalcini. 

Since its inception, it has offered training courses in graphic and interior design, scenography and restoration, initially with the issuance of a professional certificate recognised by the Lazio Region.

Born as a laboratory school, the educational approach was oriented towards direct application, concrete experience and technical skills while not neglecting theory. 

Over the years, AANT has moved towards academic training while safeguarding its vocation as an experimental laboratory, considering the need for contamination between methodologies and design fields.

With the arrival of the education management system in 2013, this transformation materialised in adopting three-year training models focused on the different design fields.

From 2013 to 2017, the Academy undertook this ambitious path, striving for excellence. Its nature as a laboratory school survives in the new DNA. The Bauhaus school also inspired the teaching method, which provides for cultural progress achieved through direct experience. That “knowledge and know-how” still characterises the Academy today.

In 2017, the ratio between lecturers and students was one to seven.

With the Ministerial Decree of 4 April 2017, the AANT obtains the authorisation to issue First Level academic qualifications, enriching the educational offer. From this moment, those who complete the three-year course in AANT obtain the First Level Academic Diploma, equivalent to a short degree.

To promote a concrete teaching experience, AANT promotes “Farms”: temporary working groups composed of students and lecturers created in partnership with real brands to offer in the curriculum or extra-curricular plans the opportunities to practice the skills acquired.

Every year, the Academy launches new formats to promote cultural activities, such as seminars and workshops with prominent names in Design and Communication. Meetings are dedicated to students and open to the public to keep the Academy’s dissemination objective alive.

In addition, to encourage teamwork, respect for others’ professionalism, and the exchange of experiences and skills, more contact points between courses are being created, promoting the encounter between adjacent or complementary disciplines.

The Placement, active from the first year, favours the student’s job placement during studies with paid curricular internships and at the end of their academic career.

In 2020, following the increase in the educational offer and the number of students, the AANT acquired the new location in via Monza 21, which became the main venue and hub of the Academy’s events. At the end of 2020, the lecturer/student ratio will reach a level of excellence of one to five, proving the attention and qualitative care to education.

2021 was an important year: it saw the birth of AANT International, its membership in ELIA (European League of Institutes of the Arts), its obtaining of the ECHE card, and its joining of the Erasmus + Programme.
Thus, the Academy strengthens its commitment to fostering cultural exchange, encouraging students and faculty participation in essential training programmes, and facilitating their inclusion in international employability.

Always sensitive to the change and evolution of the world of work, today AANT offers a comprehensive and complete educational offer, with several three-year courses of study:

Art Direction, Advertising and Graphic Design

Games and Virtual Design

Interior Design

Product Design

Video Making, Story, Cinema and Media Design

The Academy also offers a postgraduate Master’s degree, a two-year specialisation and continuous training courses to look to the future with enthusiasm and dynamism, going beyond three-year training and promoting constant professional development.


Beyond learning, you will work. 

Beyond lecturers, you will meet professionals.
Beyond disciplinary boundaries, you will be part of a creative community

Beyond talent, you will become a professional

Beyond the Academy, you will find happiness.
Beyond people, you will learn to care for the other living and non-living beings on this planet.

Beyond any convention, we will make you feel at home.

Become AANT People.

Read our Mission



AANT is an academy authorised to award First-Level and Second-Level Academic Degrees and First-Level Master’s Degrees, according to the Higher Education in Art and Music (AFAM) system, which is part of the Italian academic sector under the Ministry of University and Research (MUR).

AANT’s three-year first-level Academic Courses issue degrees with legal value, equivalent to a Bachelor’s Degree. These degrees allow the acquisition of valid educational credits to continue studies in Italian and foreign Academies and Universities. Since 2004, they have been UNI EN ISO 9001 certified.

We adopt an internal evaluation system for teaching and research activities and interventions to support the Right to Education and Administrative management per the UNI EN ISO 9001 procedures quality system.



UNI EN ISO 9001.

AANT is certified through UNI EN ISO9001_2015 in terms of its quality system.
Annually, it reviews and adapts its processes to the provisions of current legislation. 

In addition, the Institution is provided with an Evaluation Board, an internal control body composed mainly of external parties, which evaluates the academy’s activities by verifying the quality of training and research.



Quality policy

MUR Decree no. 201 of 04/04/2017

MUR Decree no. 647 of 14/09/2021

MUR Decree No. 921 of 26/07/2022

MUR Decree No. 1048 of 26/08/2022

MUR Decree No. 1559 of 29/11/2023

UNI ENI ISO 9001:2015 certificate

Erasmus Chart 21_27

Dm gabmur n. 901 del 20-06-2024

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